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Our Story

How the I.O.S.V.S.G. came to be, by founder member Jo Probert and her dog Dizzy.

Dizzy is our Flat Coated Retriever. She has good claim, although perhaps it wouldn't occur to her, to being the founder of the IOSVSG. It was concern for her welfare that prompted me to start talking to fellow animal owners about forming a support group back in 2007.

As a bouncing yearling, Dizzy needed semi-serious surgery. I was more than willling to assist Heike during an operation on Dizzy and in the course of doing that my eyes were opened to the limiting conditions and facilities available to the island vet. Impossibly cramped conditions, poor lighting and inadequate, almost non-existent recuperation facilities headed for a very long list of failings. Things were simply not fit for purpose.I was full of admiration for Heike and her dedicated predecessors for all they had achieved in these circumstances, but also felt motivated to do something to help our vet to offer even better levels of care. The basic aim was to mirror as closely as possible the facilities available to a vet in a rural mainland practice.

Whilst suspending all domestic and work operations in order to nurse Dizzy back to health, I began to figure out how the community could band together to improve the veterinary facilities.My husband Ben and I sat down with like- minded canine carers, Bill and Jill Wilson and decided to float the idea of a public group dedicated to supporting the veterinary practice of Scilly. We held several public consultation meetings, formed a committee and as they say, the rest is history.

It has taken a lot of work, a mini- mountain you might say, to get where we are now, with brand new surgery and vet accomodation and steadily improving equipment levels. The committee have worked tirelessly for this. The main factor however, has been the generosity and enthusiasm of many visitors and mainland friends who have supported us in so many different ways.

Thanks to all those who have supported the group; it's so reassuring to know that the islands have a fit for purpose veterinary facility for when our animals need it most. All resident and visiting animals can rely on vastly improved facilities and support.

The make-up of the commitee varies and we welcome new members who may wish to join us. We will then continue to furnish the surgery with essential equipment to support all the islands animals. The committee wish to thank Jo Probert and Bill Wilson for their industry and belief in the building of the new surgery, which is a credit to their efforts, for our community to use.